1 day ago · Welcome to Crypto International Group. The recent reporting about Crypto AG has caused a lot of confusion about our name. We acquired the Crypto name and logotype in 2018, but we are a completely different company with a different owner, different management and a different strategy.
CIA and Crypto AG: the masked unveiled | Cryptopolitan 2020-7-16 · The latest buzz in the cryptocurrency sphere is the connection between Crypto AG and intelligence agencies. The central intelligence agency or CIA and Crypto AG – a trusted name in the encryption industry – are now revealed to be two parts of the same puzzle with the inclusion of a German intelligence group BND. Crypto AG Unmasked: CIA Spied on Governments Via Firm Then-President Ronald Reagan raised suspicions about Crypto AG after citing some of these Libyan communications publicly, but the rumors were never confirmed. It is claimed the Americans didn’t request backdoors be inserted into the Crypto AG products, they simply made sure that the encryption itself was weak enough to crack fairly easily. 瑞士加密资产公司Crypto Finance AG完成1450万 … 2020-4-16 · Crypto Finance AG于去年9月开始这次B轮融资,并通过“四大”咨询公司中的普华永道(PwC)进行了投资者引入。 该轮融资使该公司自2017年成立以来至今的总融资资金超过了3600万瑞士法郎(约合3700万美元)。
华为:我们与 CIA 控制的 Crypto AG公司没关系_风 …
2020-7-22 · Die Crypto Storage AG bietet eine proprietäre Infrastrukturlösung, um private Schlüssel, sowohl physisch als auch digital, auf Hardware-Sicherheitsmodulen mit detaillierten Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten zu verwalten. Ein Multi-Signatur-Regelwerk wird ebenfalls über Hardware realisiert und ist von den unterliegenden Assets unabhängig. Die in der Schweiz entwickelte … CRYPTO VALLEY PARTNERS AG
2020-6-20 · 华为发布安全公告-关于部分媒体报道CIA控制Crypto AG进行监控通信设备的声明 近期华为注意到外部媒体(华盛顿邮报,英国卫报)发布关于CIA控制Crypto AG公司,用来监控全球通信设备的报道。
2020-2-12 · Crypto AG转向电子加密技术后,美国情报机构对它的影响更大了。Crypto AG 1967年推出的第一代电子加密设备,基本上完全是由美国国家安全局设计的。Crypto AG销售两种版本的加密系统——销售给盟国的是强加密版本,销售给其他国家的加密系统可以被 Crypto AG - 推酷 2020-2-12 · Crypto AG was a Swiss company specialising in communications and information security. It was secretly jointly owned by the AmericanCIA and West German intelligence agencyBND from 1970 until about 1993, with the CIA continuing as sole owner until about 2018.With headquarters inSteinhausen, the company was a long-established manufacturer ofencryption machines and a wide … 美国“六亲不认”:除了“五眼联盟”,几乎监控了所有 … 2020-2-15 · 诚然,Crypto-AG的内幕大白于天下的同时,自诩为"世界警察"的美国,连带着瑞士这个"永久中立国" 的信誉都遭到重创:但先前尝到的甜头,会令美国为之无法自拔,反而把偷窃、监视、欺骗等行为藏得更深。 反过来说,德国退出Crypto-AG计划其实也 华为:并未与CIA控制下的Crypto AG等公司有任何 …