The NSA has always been intimately involved in U.S. cryptography standards – it is, after all, expert in making and breaking secret codes. So the agency's participation in the NIST (the U.S

the suitability of standards and guidelines, and so that NIST and others can take advantage of those advances to strengthen standards and guidelines. Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP): While developing its cryptographic standards and guidelines for non-national security systems, NIST has noted a strong preference among its users NSA security guide: How to choose safe conferencing and May 01, 2020 Algorithm Guidance - National Security Agency Cryptographic algorithms are specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and are used by NSA's Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) in solutions approved for protecting National Security Systems (NSS). They include cryptographic algorithms for encryption, key exchange, digital signature, and hashing. Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite

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DES - Data Encryption Standard Block cipher. Used in many NSA Type 3 products, such as the Motorola SECTEL 2500 (in Type 3 mode). Specified in FIPS 46-3 and withdrawn in 2004. AES - Advanced Encryption Standard Block cipher. Specified in FIPS 197 and released in 2001. DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm Used for digital signatures. FACT SHEET - NIST National Security Agency. 9800 Savage Road STE 6716. Ft Meade MD 20755-6716 (410) 854-6805. UFAX: (410) 854-6814 FACT SHEET CNSS Policy No. 15, Fact Sheet No. 1 National Policy on the Use of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to Protect National Security Systems and National Security Information June 2003 Background Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) | NIST Nov 26, 2001